XCW MidWinter Warfare - March 10th, 2018
Young & Reckless (Freddie Hudson & Joe Crowe) Defeated The Dark Carnival (Psycho Circus Clown & Eternal Darkness)
Limited Edition (Genocide & Fletch) Defeated 8th Deadly Sin (Venom & Hazard) to Become XCW Tag Team Champions
Joe Travis won an 8 Man Battle Royal for Xtreme Championship Contendership
Partrick O'Reilly Defeated Brady Branson in a Last Man Standing Match
Evan Phoenix Defeated Joe Travis to Become XCW Xtreme Champion in a Chairs Match
Brandan Hobbs Defeated Stevie Gobel in a Texas Bullrope Match to retain the XCW New Age Championship
Brendan Stickle Defeated James Cerebral in a First Blood Match to Become XCW International Champion
Void Defeated Tommy Merriman to Retain The XCW Championship
XCW Glory XV Anniversary - March 17th, 2018
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Brandan Hobbs to Become XCW New Age Champion
Evan Phoenix Defeated Joe Travis to retain the XCW Xtreme Championship
Brady Branson Defeated Stevie Gobel via DQ
8th Deadly Sin (Venom & Hazard) Defeated Limited Edition (Fletch & Genocide) to Become XCW Tag Team Champions in a Pandora's Box Tag Team Match
James Cerebral & Nathan Vandiver fought in a Non Sanctioned Fight
Brendan Stickle Defeated Void in a Champion vs Champion Match
XCW X-Rated - March 31st, 2018
Hazard Defeated Fletch
Tylor Skaggs Defeated El Jabronio
Psycho Circus Clown & Brady Branson Defeated Jeff Buster & Stevie Gobel
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Brandan Hobbs to Retain the XCW New Age Championship in a Loser Leaves Town Match
Venom & Genocide Fought to a No Contest
Evan Phoenix Defeated Brendan Stickle & Void in a Triple Threat Match
XCW Breakdown - April 28th, 2018
Hazard Defeated Genocide
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Psycho Circus Clown to retain the XCW New Age Championship
Fletch & Venom fought to a No Contest due to Outside interference by DJ Wolbert & Vapor
Brady Branson Defeated Brendan Stickle to become XCW International Champion
Evan Phoenix Defeated Tommy Merriman
Void Defeated Chris Jones to Retain the XCW Championship
XCW Hellbound - May 12th, 2018
Jayson Arcane Defeated Eternal Darkness
Brady Branson & Psycho Circus Clown Defeated Patrick O'Reilly & Stevie Gobel
Lake Evil (Brandan Hobbs & DJ Wolbert) Defeated Aces High (Joker & Grim Reefer)
Tylor Skaggs & Tommy Merriman Defeated Chris Jones & Evan Phoenix
8th Deadly Sin (Hazard & Venom) Defeated Fletch & Matt Chencho via DQ to Retain the XCW Tag Team Championship
Brendan Stickle Defeated Void to Become XCW Champion
XCW Code Red - Saturday May 26th, 2018
Stevie Gobel Defeated Psycho Circus Clown to Become Number 1 Contender for the XCW International Championship
Tylor Skaggs Defeated Evan Phoenix
Brandan Hobbs Defeated Patrick O'Reilly via DQ (Patrick Retains XCW New Age Championship)
Tommy Merriman & Chris Jones fight to a No Contest
Brendan Stickle Defeated Void in Match 1 of the Best of 5 Series
Limited Edition (Fletch & Genocide) Defeated 8th Deadly Sin (Hazard & Venom) in a Monster's Ball Match to Become the XCW Tag Team Champions
XCW Crossing The Line - Saturday May 26th, 2018
Brendan Stickle Defeated Void in a Table Match in Match 2 of the Best of 5 Series
Jayson Arcane Defeated Patrick O'Reilly to Become XCW New Age Champion
Joe Travis Defeated Ryan Ramero
Lake Evil (DJ Wolbert & Vapor) Defeated 8th Deadly Sin (Venom & Hazard) to Become Number 1 Contenders for the XCW Tag Team Championship
Brady Branson Defeated Stevie Gobel to retain the XCW International Championship
Tommy Merriman Defeated Chris Jones, Evan Phoenix, & Tylor Skaggs in a Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match to Become XCW Xtreme Champion
XCW No Remorse - June 9th, 2018
Brandan Hobbs Defeated Genocide
Psycho Circus Clown Defeated Stevie Gobel
Fletch Defeated DJ Wolbert
Hazard, Jayson Arcane, & Chris Jones Defeated Venom, Patrick O'Reilly, & Jessie Justice
Evan Phoenix Defeated Tommy Merriman Via DQ
Void Defeated Brendan Stickle in an I Quit Match in Match 3 of the Best of 5 Series
XCW Xtreme King - June 23rd, 2018
Brendan Stickle Defeated Void in Match 4 of the Best of 5 Series in a Dog Collar Chain Match
Jayson Arcane Defeated Patrick O'Reilly to Retain the XCW New Age Championship
Evan Phoenix Defeated Tommy Merriman in a Sadistic First Blood Match to Become XCW Xtreme Champion
Hazard Defeated Venom in a Boiler Room Brawl
Corey Lee Defeated 25 Other Superstar to Become the 2018 Xtreme King Champion
XCW No Limits - July 7th, 2018
Venom Defeated Evan Phoenix
Jayson Arcane Defeated Jessie Justice to retain the XCW New Age Championship
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Chris Jones to Become the New XCW International Champion
Kevin Harris Defeated Tommy Merriman
Fletch, Genocide, & Hazard (VK3) Defeated Brandan Hobbs, DJ Wolbert, & Void (Lake Evil)
XCW Greed - August 4th, 2018
Evan Phoenix Defeated Venom to retain the XCW Xtreme Championship
Jessie Justice Defeated Stevie Gobel to Advance in Mr. SummerMania Cup Tournament
Eternal Darkness Defeated Brandan Hobbs to Advance in Mr. SummerMania Cup Tournament
Dj Wolbert Defeated Genocide in a Canadian Lumberjack Match
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Psycho Circus Clown to Advance in Mr. SummerMania Cup Tournament
Tommy Merriman Defeated Hazard to Advance in Mr. SummerMania Cup Tournament
Chris Jones & Corey Lee Defeated Jayson Arcane & Brendan Stickle
XCW Emergence - August 18th, 2018
Evan Phoenix Defeated Venom in a Pick Your Poison Lottery Match
Eternal Darkness Defeated Jessie Justice to advance in Mr. SummerMania Cup Tournament
Genocide Defeated Void
Tommy Merriman Defeated Patrick O'Reilly
Fletch & Dj Wolbert fought to a no contest
Brady Branson Defeated Stevie Gobel
Jayson Arcane Defeated Chris Jones
Corey Lee Defeated Brendan Stickle, Brandan Hobbs, & Hazard in a Fatal 4 Way Match
XCW SummerMania XIII - September 1st, 2018
Joker & El Jabronio fought to a no contest due to outside interference by Nitemare & Devil with Special Referee LoL
Stevie Gobel Defeated Psycho Circus Clown in a Trunk Match
Main Card
Hazard Defeated Brandan Hobbs in Deathmatch 8
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Brady Branson & Jessie Justice to Retain the XCW International Championship
Tommy Merriman Defeated Cold Hated Demon to Become Mr. SummerMania Cup Tournament
Lake Evil (DJ Wolbert & Jessie Justice) Defeated Limited Edition (Fletch & Genocide) in a Table Match for the XCW Tag Team Championships
Venom Defeated Evan Phoenix in a Body Bag Match to Become XCW Xtreme Champion
Chris Jones Defeated Jayson Arcane in a Kendo Stick Ladder Match to Become the XCW New Age Champion
Brendan Stickle Defeated Corey Lee to Retain the XCW Championship in a Clockwork House of Fun Match
XCW Hellfire - September 15th, 2018
Genocide Defeated Chris Jones to Become XCW New Age Champion
Lake Evil & Stevie Gobel fought The Freedom FIghters (Brady Branson & Evan Phoenix) to a No Contest
Eternal Darkness Defeated Dark Legend via DQ
Fletch & Hazard Defeated Patrick O'Reilly & Venom
Corey Lee Defeated Brendan Stickle to Become The XCW Champion
Jayson Arcane Defeated Tommy Merriman to become Number 1 Contender for the XCW Championship
XCW Vindication - September 29th, 2018
DJ Wolbert Defeated Brady Branson
Venom Defeated Chris Jones
Evan Phoenix Defeated Jessie Justice
Genocide Defeated Tommy Merriman to Retain the XCW New Age Championship
XCW Ignition - September 29th, 2018
The Freedom Fighters (Evan Phoenix & Brady Branson) Defeated Lake Evil
Hazard Defeated Patrick O'Reilly to Become XCW International Champion
Corey Lee Defeated Fletch, Jayson Arcane, & Brendan Stickle to retain the XCW Championship
XCW Devastation - September 13th, 2018
Genocide Defeated Tommy Merriman in an Ultimate Submission to Retain the XCW New Age Championship
DJ Wolbert Defeated Evan Phoenix
Brady Branson & Jessie Justice fought to a No Contest
Hazard Defeated Patrick O'Reilly in a Street Fight to Retain the XCW International Championship
Venom, Brendan Stickle, & Jayson Arcane Defeated Fletch, Chris Jones, & Corey Lee
XCW Halloween Havoc - October 20th, 2018
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Tommy Merriman, Hazard, Genocide, & Psycho Circus Clown to win the 2018 Money In the Bank
Brogan O'Shea Defeated Eternal Darkness
Fletch Defeated Brendan Stickle Via DQ
Ty Bennett Defeated Joker
The Freedom Fighters (Brady Branson & Evan Phoenix) Defeated Lake Evil to Become XCW Tag Team Champions in Pandora's Box
Venom Defeated Chris Jones to retain the XCW Xtreme Championship
Corey Lee & Jayson Arcane fought to a No Contest...Corey Lee Retains the XCW Championship
XCW Implosion - November 10th, 2018
Genocide Defeated Brogan O'Shea to Retain the XCW New Age Championship
DJ Wolbert Defeated Evan Phoenix, Brandan Hobbs, & Brady Branson
Ty Bennett Defeated Eternal Darkness
Brendan Stickle Defeated Chris Jones in a Beat the Clock Challenge @ 5:25
Fletch Defeated Jayson Arcane in a Beat the Clock Challenge @ 2:33
Corey Lee & Venom fought to a No contest in the Beat the Clock Challenge
Patrick O'Reilly Defeated Hazard & Tommy Merriman to Retain the Money in The Bank Briefcase
XCW Viewer's Choice Awards - December 8th, 2018
Psycore Defeated DJ Wolbert
Corey Lee Defeated Chris Jones, Venom, Fletch, Brendan Stickle, & Jayson Arcane to retain the XCW Championship in Elimination CHAINED