An untouchable superstar would join XCW in 2011 as part of the Cruiserweight Division. His name was Nathan Vandiver. A young upstart trained by Chris Jones would quickly take the XCW by Storm. Knocking off Cruiserweight Legends such as Psycho Circus Clown & Colton Cravitz to win his only XCW Championship. From There he would join in with his mentor Chris Jones to form The Untouchables but soon after would be kicked out of the group. In 2013, Nathan would return to XCW taking on the likes of Fletch, Dead Darkness, & Karnage among others. Nathan would have numerous other opportunities to claim championship gold. Including a spot in the King of the Mountain Ladder Match @ SummerMania IX. However, Vandiver would never capture gold again. Nathan would soon be released from XCW with only one more short stint in 2018 where he would target former Untouchable teammate James Cerebral. Nathan had the look and the tools to go far. For whatever reason it didn't see him succeed. It begs the question on if we will ever see Vandiver in an XCW ring again?
1x Crusierweight X Champion