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O.G.D. The original Gangsta made one the the fastest rises in XCW. In 2017, Kenny Hazard Khaos would reign over XCW as it's "Owner" after the disappearance of Fletch from early 2006. As part of Hazard's New Breed vision of XCW. He unleashed a secret weapon to destroy and rid XCW of Chris Jones once and for all. OGD on his first night would destroy Psycho Circus Clown but by the end of the night set his focus on Chris Jones. One week later, OGD would defeat Chris Jones in one on one action. However, Fletch returned during this time to align with the XCW originals in an attempt to take down Hazard's New Breed. By 2008. OGD was dismissed from the XCW after Fletch took over power @ The Farewell Show.

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